Compare all your Warzone stats in one APP!With Warzone Stats you will be able to track your kills/deaths, kill ratio, wins, win percentage and much more in Warzone.You can also check your general or weekly performance to see how improvements in Caldera.FAVORITE FRIENDS!Start by adding your favorite players to favorites to see their progress.SHARE YOUR PROCARD!Share your personal overall or weekly stats with your friends so they can see how youre doing in Warzone.SHARE YOUR GAMES WINS!Share your wins with your friends and show whos boss in Warzone.CHECK YOUR LAST 25 GAMES!View the last 25 games played in Warzone and share it with your friends.CHECK YOUR GAME MODES!Apart from viewing your last games played, you can see your statistics for each game mode, BR MODE, RESURGENCE MODE, LOOT MODE.Coming soon:- You can make a comparison between two players and see what differences there are between the two.- Save your games in favorites to consult them at any time.